24-Hour Helpline
24-Hour Helpline
We are here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Reach out to speak confidentially with a trained volunteer advocate who can offer you support, help you understand your options, and connect you with services. What you do next is always your decision. Our advocates are here to listen and support your decisions about what is best for your healing, whether it happened hours or years ago.

Everything you share with CARE volunteer advocates, staff members, and/or agency therapists will be kept in confidence within our agency. A signed release is required before we release information about a client to anyone outside the agency. However, professional ethics and Maryland law require us to report in the following instances:
- If you tell us you are planning to hurt yourself or someone else.
- If you disclose identifiable information about child abuse, no matter how long ago it happened.
- If you disclose identifiable information about vulnerable adult abuse.
- If you tell us you are planning to commit a crime.
- In rare cases, if certain types of court proceedings force CARE to discuss client information with judicial officials.
You DO NOT have to report to the police in order to speak with us and we will not pressure you to report, but we can help you report if you choose to do so.